Two movies based on the 1937 animated Disney classic, “Snow White,” will appear within a year and premiere within just two or three months of each other. Each movie is being produced by a different studio, with different Snow Whites battling for attention.
The first studio, Universal Pictures, has put together a cast made of Charlize Theron as the Evil Queen, Kristen Stewart as Snow White, and Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman. This adaptation will be known as “Snow White and the Huntsman.”
Competition comes from Relativity Media and “The Blind Side” actress, Lily Collins who will play the fair-skinned princess. Julia Roberts will play the Evil Queen and Armie Hammer is slated for Prince Andrew Alcott, the equal of the hunstman. Currently, this is untitled.
The two studios made major headlines not only for the casting, but for the competition related to release dates. Originally, Universal was going to release “Snow White and the Hunstman” on Dec 21, 2012,but has moved it up to June 1, 2012. Moving the release to June was a reaction to the Relativity Media’s release set on June 29, 2012. Then, Relativity Media struck back by moving their release to March 16, 2012.
It’ll be interesting to see which studio bites the poison apple and never wakes up.