Jonah Hill, the actor made famous for his comedic roles in films like Superbad and Get Him to the Greek, is taking on a more serious character alongside Brad Pitt in his new movie Moneyball. Hill plays Yale economist Peter Brand who assists the Oakland A’s general manager(Brad Pitt) with forming an ideal baseball team using mathematics and spreadsheets.
But the actor’s new role isn’t the only dramatic turn his life has taken. Since filming the movie, the nearly unrecognizable star has shed 30 pounds! Hill appeared on the Today show this morning and opened up about his leaner, healthier appearance.
“I just woke up one day, and I was like this,” the actor joked about his weight-loss secret. If only dieting were really so simple. According to Hill, the key to his success is a healthy diet and dedication. “I went and saw a nutritionist out here in New York, and I take it seriously,” Hill explained.
The actor changed his eating habits in order to prepare for his role in a movie remake of the popular television series 21 Jump Street, set to release in March of 2012. His film Moneyball hits theatres this Friday.