(PCM) Yes, that headline is actually true and just as ridiculous as it sounds! Former Playboy Playmate and actress Pamela Anderson teamed up with a Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Shmuley Boteach to craft an essay, which was recently published in the Wall Street Journal, focusing on the dangers of porn.
If we can recall, didn’t Pamela Anderson star in her very own sex tape with ex-husband Tommy Lee? Guess this makes it okay now!
The duo wrote the essay as a response to the ongoing Anthony Weiner sex scandal saying “And if anyone still doubted the devastation that porn addiction wreaks on those closest to the addict, behold the now-shattered marriage of Mr. Weiner and Huma Abedin … From our respective positions of rabbi-counselor and former Playboy model and actress, we have often warned about pornography’s corrosive effects on a man’s soul and on his ability to function as husband and, by extension, as father. This is a public hazard of unprecedented seriousness.”
However, news flash! The Anthony Weiner sex scandal has absolutely nothing to do with porn!
They conclude in their ill-crafted essay that men are the ones who are most affected by pornography addiction, however children can also easily become victims. They say that children are being raised in an “environment of wall-to-wall, digitized sexual images … They are the crack babies of porn.”
That is quite a description there! Always keeping it classy Pam!