(PCM) Many of us are inundated with tons of text messages each and everyday and unfortunately some of those text may be from those we don’t exactly wish to hear from. “Mooning” was created as a way to silence conversations with those particular individuals that you may not want to deal with at this particular moment.
Much like “ghosting” which is cutting off all communication with a certain individual or multiple individuals, “mooning” is used to temporary silence someone whose conversation may be annoying or you consider that person to be unimportant. “Mooning” is considered like putting someone on mute and ignoring them for a period of time.
Sadly, none of us can truly know if we’ve been “mooned” or not. You can still text an individual who has mooned you, but their phone will not show them any type of notification, make noise, or light up when you send them a message. If someone has blocked your number you will receive a notification, however if you have been “mooned” you may never really know, that is unless the person finally decides to respond and be honest.
Chances of someone actually letting another person know they are being a pest are slim to none, so perhaps after awhile of getting the silent treatment the person will eventually get the clue that they have been “mooned” and try to change their behavior pattern. We live in the day and age where people are not really forced to talk to one another face to face anymore, so hiding behind a phone screen is usually used to avoid confrontation and of course there is an app for that!