Fairy tale classic, The Little Mermaid, has been picked up from the sheets of story time and revamped into a darker remake. Unlike the Disney film where the central character pursues her dreams of being human with music breaks every ten minutes, this version follows the original plotline created by Hans Christian Anderson. The story includes a mermaid who tries to coy the eye of a prince but already has competition from a mermaid who has sacrificed everything to be with him. An inevitable love triangle persists and ultimately ends with the decision of murdering the Prince or dissolving into the water.
Initially Joe Wright, director of the Soloist and Abi Morgan (writer of Brick Lane) were pinned as creative heads but currently Shana Feste (Country Strong) will be working on Mermaid: A Twist on the Classic Tale. Tobey Maguire will lead the production rights according to Hollywood Reporter.
The Little Mermaid became a Disney classic which settled its position as part of the Renaissance Era. With a revamping of an old plotline and its incorporation into the Post-Animation period, we will see how quickly the Little Mermaid may dissolve into the water.