(PCM) It’s really happening people! Marky Mark himself told Hollyscoop that the Entourage film script is finished and the beloved gang will be back together this Spring!
“It is [finished],” Mark tells Hollyscoop, “I think we will be getting a copy tomorrow and hopefully we will be shooting in the spring.”
The HBO hit series came to a feel-good, domestic end, with Vince getting married, Eric and Sloan together and having a child, and Ari about to start his own agency and get back together with his wife. So, does this mean we can expect a family-friendly film?
Not quite.
“[The movie is] going to get back to the basics, kind of like the beginning of the series,” Mark tells us, “We had very strong female characters, but we want the guys to get back to just being guys.”
Yes, bring back the pool parties at the Chateau!
“I think they were all weighed down by these strong women towards the end of the series, so we are going to get them going crazy everyone wants to see them get nuts again,” says Mark.
For more, visit Hollyscoop.com!
Photo Credit: Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP