(PCM) We recently had the opportunity to participate in the Watson Adventures Scavenger Hunt at the Philadelphia Art Museum and can honestly say we had an absolute blast. It was a great way to work together as a team gathering clues and analyzing evidence to reach a conclusion about who committed the murder of an art curator at the museum.
Watson Adventures was not lying when they said this was one of their more challenging hunts, as the clues we had to solve led us to just about every area of the art museum and many required serious study of various pieces of art to determine just how they fit in the overall puzzle. We were given a two hour time frame to complete the hunt, however we definitely could have benefited from about another hour, as it was very challenging to quickly make your way around the entire Philadelphia Art Museum without being distracted by many of the other phenomenal pieces of art that surround you during your quest.
Also, be prepared to do a lot of walking, as throughout our hunt we had to explore multiple art galleries on various floors of the museum. The stairs at the Philadelphia Art Museum are no joke (right, “Rocky” fans?) and we somehow never did find the elevators. Overall, the hunt was great exercise both physically and mentally and at no point in time did we find ourselves bored or disinterested. There is definitely a reason why this particular scavenger hunt is limited to adults only, as it does require quite a bit of critical thinking and analyzation, as well as, themes such as greed, lust, pride, revenge and treachery while trying to solve the mystery of the curators untimely passing.
The scavenger hunt was both engaging and entertaining and is the perfect afternoon activity if you are on the search for something a little bit different and unique to try out. It was a true learning experience in a very fun way and definitely a neat way to explore the museum. We absolutely can’t wait to take off on another Watson Adventures Scavenger Hunt in the very near future!
The great news is that Watson Adventures Scavenger Hunts take place in various major metropolitan cities in addition to Philadelphia such as Boston, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco to name a few! For more information or to book an adventure please visit: http://www.watsonadventures.com/