(PCM) I know at least all of us Scrabble players have had the argument with our opponents at least once or twice over whether or not a word placed on the board is actually a legitimate word or not. Well, chillax! There is now an additional 5,000 words being added to the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (including ‘chillax’) which will be published by Mirriam-Webster on August 11th.
Other new words added to the dictionary bromance, frenemy, hashtag,selfie,buzzkill, texter,vlog,fracking, funplex and mojitio to name a few.
It has been nearly ten years since the Official Scrabble players dictionary has been updated and the newly added words will add about 40 pages to the current edition.
In order for a word to be included in the Official Scrabble Players dictionary it must be found in a standard dictionary, have no capitalization, abbreviations, hyphens or apostrophes.
Scrabble purists are incredibly unhappy with the new word editions. Most understand the need for the game to evolve as our language continues to evolve, but many of the words are just ridiculous and they feel they do not have proper definitions.
The makers of Scrabble ran a contest back in May to allow the public to vote on many of the new words that were added to the dictionary as well as the game.