(PCM) There are probably a good many who will rejoice in the news that Fred Phelps, leader of the Westboro Baptist Church is rumored to be on the “edge of death” according to sources close to the family.
The extremely hated church and its’ followers are those responsible for the infamous protests at the funerals of fallen soldiers with their disgusting “God Hates Fags” signs and their strong animosity against the LGBT community. The Church is currently recognized as a hate group and even the strictest fundamentalist Christian organizations renounce the church’s activities.
The news that Fred Phelps is near death comes from his son Nate Phelps, who left the church and his family back in 1976 when he was only 18 years old. Nate still keeps in touch with extended family members, many who have also escaped the grasp of the family and renounced their association with the church.
Nate had the following status posted on his Facebook page:
“I’ve learned that my father, Fred Phelps, Sr., pastor of the “God Hates Fags” Westboro Baptist Church, was ex-communicated from the “church” back in August of 2013. He is now on the edge of death at Midland Hospice house in Topeka, Kansas.
I’m not sure how I feel about this. Terribly ironic that his devotion to his god ends this way. Destroyed by the monster he made.
I feel sad for all the hurt he’s caused so many. I feel sad for those who will lose the grandfather and father they loved. And I’m bitterly angry that my family is blocking the family members who left from seeing him, and saying their good-byes.”
There is much speculation of what will become of the Westboro Baptist Church after Phelps has passed, but it is said that certain preparations have been put in place. Phelp’s who is 84 years old had already began delegating tasks to other members of the family, especially daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper. One could hope that the organization would simply just disappear, but something tells us that they are unfortunately not going anywhere anytime soon.
Thus far there has been no mention of Phelp’s ailing health on the church’s website, blog or twitter feed, so as of right now, Nate’s status on Facebook has been the only news released.
Do you feel that Fred Phelps funeral should be picketed in much the same way that his church has vilely ruined the funerals of so many others?