(PCM) Jeremy Meeks was recently arrested by the Stockon police on weapons charges, however it is his sexy smoldering mug shot photo that is creating a ton of buzz online.
Ever since Meeks’ mugshot was released and became public it has been steady garnering attention with many women swooning over the photo claiming it is a “crime to be that sexy” and that he is “one delicious bad boy”.
TMZ.com reports that Meeks is currently being held on $900,000 bond for illegally possessing firearms and ammo, carrying a loaded firearm in public, and criminal street gang activity.
There has now been a public fan page set up for Meek and monetary donations have been coming in by the dozens to assist with posting Meeks’ bail. It is a little scary that yet again our society is solely passing judgement on someone based on their appearance and totally looking over the fact that this man is indeed a wanted criminal.
Meeks’ has recently spoken out from his jail cell after learning about his popularity online and wanted to be sure that his legions of lustful admirers know that he is not a kingpin and is claiming to no longer be involved with gang activity.
Meeks previously served nine years in prison for grand theft auto prior to his most recent offense. Also, for as good as his mugshot photo appears, there have been quite a few other photos of Meek’s circulating the net that are no where near as flattering. Just goes to show you that one picture certainly can speak a thousand words and in the case of Meeks’ thousands of dollars and suitors as well!