Where has this show been all my life?
Last week, on Das Supertalent (or, “Germany’s Got Talent” for all you boring monolinguists…), Chris “Crazy Chris” Lynman set the stage on fire with the sparkling flames shooting out of his butt!
Sounding like a bad Beavis & Butt-Head prank, Lynman put a sparkler through his butt cheeks, lit that baby up, and pranced around like David Hasselhoff was giving a free concert in Markthalle.
Ze Judges ver not amoozed. And he was not invited to return next week.
Meh, what do the Germans know about high comedy. They like David Hasselhoff.
Anyway, those of you who are curious can go YouTube this mess going down…since this is a family-friendly blog, I can’t post the link to this mess here. Let’s just say it involved a lot of singed hairs…