Everyone remembers the devastating occurrence that took place with Rihanna and Chris Brown in February of 2009. Browns malicious acts against Rihanna shocked many, causing him to lose fans. Apparently fans aren’t the only thing Brown’s losing, but access into the UK as well.
Chris Brown was recently denied access to the UK, screwing up his scheduled tour plans. He was supposed to do at least 3 shows in Great Britain.
Shortly after the decision was made to not allow Chris entry, he tweeted, “SORRY to all the fans in Europe!!! my tour is cancelled. Im pretty sure yall know. my entry was denied in your country. I love you. SORRY!!”
Officials in Great Britain revealed they wouldn’t let the singer into the country due to his criminal record. However, Brown’s publicist claimed denial into the UK due to “issues surrounding his visa”.
We find that hard to believe because Britain’s Home Office released a statement reading “We reserve the right to refuse entry to the UK to anyone guilty of a serious criminal offense.”