Halloween Horror Nights 2010 is still going strong at Universal Studios Hollywood, and now you can go behind the screams in this latest video of the history and creation of one of the event’s many attractions, La Llorona!
Spanish legend tells that La Llorona, “The Weeping Woman,” was a beautiful woman who drowned her children to be with the man she loved. But he rejected her, so she drowned herself too. Her ghost is doomed to wander, vainly searching for her children for all of eternity. According to the tale, she will kidnap wandering children or children who misbehave. Some also believe that those who hear the wails of La Llorona are marked for death.
Get a glimpse into the terror and the fun in the video here, and come face to face with La Llorona herself at Halloween Horror Nights, going on now through Halloween, October 31st!