Their 5th wedding anniversary has quickly come and gone, but the cheating acquisitions have not. It was in early September, when rumors arose that Ashton Kutcher (32) was sleeping around and cheating on wife Demi Moore (47). Almost a month has gone by and new pictures, texts, and descriptive information continue to surface.
It all began when Ashton was seen making out with a young blonde at an Italian restaurant in L.A. Obviously not Demi, Ashton and this vixen were entangled in a love fest near the restaurant bathroom.
When the tabloids exploited this recent stint, Demi Moore had the most amazing ‘comeback ever’! She tweeted pictures of herself in a string bikini…um are you freaking serious? That’s all you’ve got?
Ashton denied these first allegations and even spoke with lawyers regarding suing the press magazines involved…aka STAR.
‘I think Star magazine calling me a ‘cheater’ qualifies as defamation of character. I hope my lawyer agrees,’ Ashton tweeted.
Ashton’s representative also denied the rumors, while Demi publically supported her hubby. ‘Excellent point my love!’ and ‘No question!’
On the set of her latest film The Reasonable Bunch, just days after the first mention of Ashton’s wondering lips, Demi looked completely unaffected. Conversing with her costar Ellen Barkin, Demi seemed happy.
Just a week later, Star once again published an issue surrounding the newest Ashton gossip. Cheating again with a Demi look-a-like, named Brittney Jones (21). This time, more information on the girl, text messages between the two, and of course graphic details have continued to pave the way for this ongoing scandal.
In LA’s bowling alley called Lucky Strike, the pair first met in July. Brittney was bowling next to the Kutcher’s, when she slipped Ashton her number on yes, wait for it, a napkin!
Apparently, on Demi’s facebook, she posted a scanned image of the infamous napkin.
Brittney claims that Ashton began texting her immediately…asking when she was free to meet.
Brittney admitted to making all of the suggestive moves in order to get him into ‘bed’, “it was like he was paranoid and didn’t want to text anything that would get him in trouble,” Brittney said, so she had to take the lead.
She initiated the first encounter and Ashton just went along for the ride, literally.
When the pair met and had their first sexual encounter (on the couch), Demi was out of town and the couple on the set of her new movie.
“He’s a great lover,” Brittney said. “Very considerate and sweet. And it was very special to me. I felt totally comfortable in his arms. It was tender and nice–not some random sex act.”
Sounds like a freaking Danielle Steele novel.
Once this newest crop of rumors exploded, Demi and Ashton were seen at a social event, The Clinton Global Initiative which was held on September 23 at the Sheraton Hotel in New York City. The couple launched their DNA (Demi and Ashton) Foundation’s “Real Men” campaign, which aims to stop child sex trafficking. The couple was seen holding hands, laughing and enjoying themselves despite the alleged rumors.
Then the couple celebrated their 5th anniversary on September 24th taking photos in bed together. Sounds like a desperate plea to remove all of the cheating rumors.
Demi Tweeted: “Enjoying a day lounging around watching ‘Breaking Bad’.”
Demi has been posting pictures of the pair looking very happy nearly every day since the news that Ashton was probably caught cheating popped up last week. The way this is playing out, The Hollywood Back Wash is starting to believe the reports that the couple had an ‘understanding’ that allows Ashton to have affairs…but this one just blew up in his face and went public.
I am not sure who to believe. With the massive amounts of random tweets, pictures that cause commotion and an unaffected Demi…something fishy is going on.
Once more of this drama unfolds, the truth shall come out.