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(PCM) Taking a page out of the Banksy handbook with a more adorable twist, adorable chalk drawings of whimsical characters have been popping up all over the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The drawings made with chalk and charcoal have been noticed in the most random places and each drawing perfectly fits in with their surroundings. The drawing have been spotted on sidewalks, on the sides of buildings, in parking lots and even on the banks of the river.
Unlike Banksy, however, the artist responsible for these adorable art pieces does not wish to remain anonymous. He is an artist by the name of David Zinn. Zinn was a long time street artist and his only wish is make his city a more magical place.
In fact, he even gives out lesson to children who would like to learn how to create this adorable creatures. What is also so great about Zinn’s art is that you never quite know where you are going to find another displayed. The locations are always a mystery and it is great when someone going about their day discovers a magical little art gem and decides to share it with the world.