The cast of AMC’s The Walking Dead ran into a few “walkers” and screamed their way through “Halloween Horror Nights” at Universal Studios Hollywood during a recent visit to “The Walking Dead: Dead Inside” maze. Although they may play fearless survivors on the show, some proved to be less courageous than their characters when faced with the terror of the maze!
The cast was on hand to celebrate the eagerly-awaited Season 3 premiere, then followed-up with separate visits. Laurie Holden, who stars as strong-willed “Andrea,” called the maze “scarier than the show.” “The Walking Dead: Dead Inside” maze is based on the Golden Globe-nominated hit television series and features “walkers” and props cast from the show’s original molds. Hershel’s walker-laden barn and such menacing characters as well-walker, bicycle-girl and deer-eater also infiltrate the maze. Universal Studios collaborated with the show’s creators to create an authentic, true-to-the-series experience.